Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today in the mail...

I got these awesome pens which I need to outline atc's, online drawings etc...and for a smaller one stamp swap I got the stuff on the right, And the beautiful nude art cards...

Now let me take a moment to discuss nude art. What upsets me most is our nation as a whole still hasn't come to realize that nudity can be anything other than porn. Families legit hide their children from seeing ANY nudity, and it scares me. We are sexual beings, you children are going to see nude bodies whether you like it or not, my opinion is make sure they know that the body is beautiful, a beautiful creation like a work of art (or beautiful product of evolution whatever) but beautiful none the less. Don't cover their eyes at a museum (I have seriously seen multiple parents do this) On tv, they can't even show nude art, on public websites...its just too against it, but I think that the body is the most beautiful piece of art ever, and it needs to be treated as art, not sexual to the public.

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