Sunday, August 8, 2010

My shopping issues

I have a SERIOUS shopping addiction! every time i pass something in the store all I can think of is 'hey someone on swapbot might like that.." god, i need to stop hehe

my skelanimals! two of four... the little pink one is for a swap in the future!


swaps that dont have partners assigned, but I got ready... I have the need to send it out the day of or after partners are assigned...

Stuff that goes out Monday! I had all sunday to shop, and package it up... my fave is the box, it goes to Australia! the person im sending to couldnt get her hands on hanah montana, lisa frank, and i needed to supply her with it!

my first ATC's EVER EVER! I had fun, I think i did ok! ooooooo naughty words!!! I got two in return so far, and I love them!!!


i use my webcam to take most of my pics, thats why they are crappy... love this atc!!!! ha, you can see me!

this is me right now, i look dumb, tired and me im not too hard on the eyes usually! i just love when i get to c who i send to on swap-bot...

heres some more pics of me... sorry if this is offensive lol but gotta flaunt what you gots hehehe

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