Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Got a washer!

some of this has nothing to do with swap bot, but after eight months, I finally got a washer! It was pretty ugly so I decided to make it prettyfull!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Today in the mail...

I got these awesome pens which I need to outline atc's, online drawings etc...and for a smaller one stamp swap I got the stuff on the right, And the beautiful nude art cards...

Now let me take a moment to discuss nude art. What upsets me most is our nation as a whole still hasn't come to realize that nudity can be anything other than porn. Families legit hide their children from seeing ANY nudity, and it scares me. We are sexual beings, you children are going to see nude bodies whether you like it or not, my opinion is make sure they know that the body is beautiful, a beautiful creation like a work of art (or beautiful product of evolution whatever) but beautiful none the less. Don't cover their eyes at a museum (I have seriously seen multiple parents do this) On tv, they can't even show nude art, on public websites...its just too against it, but I think that the body is the most beautiful piece of art ever, and it needs to be treated as art, not sexual to the public.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mondays mail :D I got in the mail this totally cute snoopy pic drawn for the I'm not an artist but I made this for you swap...It was so darn cute I just had to put that right up on my fridge for all to see! Also got some awesome hello kitty stuff with it.

And, lucky me! I got this adorable breast cancer awareness bracelet for the pick your pink swap, as well as other random pink items. yippie! (ah, and my wrist doesn't look this creepy in real life lol)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why must there be drama?

Obviously from these very well known faces... Drama makes one person happy and the other sad. I have been the topic (lucky me) of drama on swap-bot....And this has made me learn that people are always going to talk, but the only important thing is you staying true to yourself, and honest with people around you! So because now I had this happen to me I want to tell all those who will have this in their future, or past to brighten up! Brush the haters off, and be who you are! Don't ever let someone bring you down, stand up for who you are and eventually truth will proceed. Stay happy and helpful to everyone else around you, even those who talk about you! :D...I just felt like being very inspiring today hehe...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

So mysteriously my webcam works again? lol

Yeah so I think the reason it mesed up was because my husband has small anger issues, and slams my laptop shut every now and then...well at least its fixed!

soooo for the craft swap I was in I received this sooooooo cute panda!! One of my fav swaps yet! :D hehe I was so excited to open this up! Hes my new fav little thing haha.
I also got an AMAZING package from jessa which consited of lettersets, stickers, a pencil case, and tons tons more. It was like getting a Christmas present! lol ...wait maybe i posted about this before? lol dang im excited

Monday, August 16, 2010

Urg my camera borke!

so, yes my camera broke which means right now i cant take pics of the awesome stuff I got! but today i did receive some pretty kick ass stickers, and erasers, also some eyeshadow because I like to do BOLD things with makeup! haha here's what I did when I was bored the other day lol

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Personally, I am LOVING this atc!! Its toatlly me! haha I plan on moving out of Wisconsin and to California in hopes of interning under someone skilled to become a tattoo artist... Thanks so much! this one KICKS ASS

Monday, August 9, 2010

Finally it's Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doesn't It seem like before you joined the swap, Monday was NOTHING good to look forward to? But now, after a LONG LONG Sunday with NO surprises, and Monday rolls around isn't just sooo exciting to look what surprises wait for you in the mail? Hehehe well I feel that way forsure! And...I got an awesome swap I love...


...ME ALWAYS NEEDS MORE KAWAII  >.<  thanks so much! i loves it

Sunday, August 8, 2010

My shopping issues

I have a SERIOUS shopping addiction! every time i pass something in the store all I can think of is 'hey someone on swapbot might like that.." god, i need to stop hehe

my skelanimals! two of four... the little pink one is for a swap in the future!


swaps that dont have partners assigned, but I got ready... I have the need to send it out the day of or after partners are assigned...

Stuff that goes out Monday! I had all sunday to shop, and package it up... my fave is the box, it goes to Australia! the person im sending to couldnt get her hands on hanah montana, lisa frank, and i needed to supply her with it!

my first ATC's EVER EVER! I had fun, I think i did ok! ooooooo naughty words!!! I got two in return so far, and I love them!!!


i use my webcam to take most of my pics, thats why they are crappy... love this atc!!!! ha, you can see me!

this is me right now, i look dumb, tired and me im not too hard on the eyes usually! i just love when i get to c who i send to on swap-bot...

heres some more pics of me... sorry if this is offensive lol but gotta flaunt what you gots hehehe

A bigger swap so far!

I got this awesome package from someone on swapbot that I ADORED!!! It was soooo perfect, seeing as I want to start a collection of kawaii stuff, but cant quite get my hands on it around where I live... I showed everyone lol. As you can tell I am OBSESSED with kawaii, and this was a dream!...for this, i traded her a rainbow brite themed package....